The M(e/i)lb(o)(u)rn(e)'s page
Christening Records
Arthur James

Polly Elizabeth Strange Melbourne

Other Records
birthdate list
death list

no17.jpg (74116 bytes)
John Melbourne (c. 1821 - 1899)                Ann(e) Hughes (c. 1833 - 1896)

This section of my family tree contains some photographs and copies of christening entries for a generation of my family that goes back to the last half of the 19th century. The parents of this generation were John Milborn and his wife Ann Hughes, shown in the photographs above. These photographs are from an album of their daughter-in-law Polly Elizabeth (Strange) who married their son Edward (Edwin) Melbourne. The handwriting is that of their granddaughter, Elsie Maud (Melbourne) Scott, daughter of Edward and Polly.

John and Ann had a large family. At the time of her death a list of the children and their birthdates was found in her dresser. A birth transcription of this list shows 14 children, who were the following:

  1. John , half past seven in the evening, July 10th, 1852
  2. Sarah Ann, born six in the evening, April 23rd, 1854
  3. Leonard, born 5 in the afternoon, April 24th, 1856
  4. Anne, born 11 in the morning, March 9th, 1858
  5. Edward (Edwin), born 10 in the morning, April 4th, 1860
  6. Martyr, born r in the morning June 7, 1862
  7. Willie, born half past 4 in the afternoon, Oct 4, 1864
  8. Ernest, born half past xeven in eveing, Oct 4, 1864
  9. Harriet,  born quarter past 7 in the morning, April 22, 1868
  10. Arthur, born 10 in the morning April 13th, 1870
  11. Bertha, born 4 in the morning, Sept 14th, 1871
  12. Alfred, born half past five in the morning, Nov 6 1872
  13. Ada, born 5 in the morning May 10, 1874
  14. Ellen, born 10 in the morning July 17, 1875

An additional transcription records the deaths of three of these, while infants:

  1. Harriet, died Oct 20 1868 age 6 months
  2. Alfred died July 7 1873, age 9 months
  3. Ella died August 29th 1875 age 6 months

These children were buried in grave 95.02.595 at Walton Church

These transcriptions come courtesy of their great granddaughter Gwen (Milbourn ) West of Australia. Another copy of the birth list with the same dates (but minus the time of birth) is in the album, referenced above, that contains the photos.

The christenings of many of the children are listed in the IGI (international genealogical index created by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints). From these listings I have obtained the microfiche copies of the christening entries for the following children:

  1. Martyr Milborne, September 21 1862
  2. Willie Milborne, December 25, 1864
  3. Ernest Milbourn, December 2, 1866
  4. Harriett Milbourn, August 9, 1868
  5. Arthur James Milburn, July 17, 1870
  6. Bertha Milbourn, December 2, 1871

The above list of names show three different spellings for the same surname. All of these christenings were at the same church, over a period of about 10 years, performed by three different priests. Interestingly, one of these, who performed four of the christenings, used three different spellings for the surname. Other records listed in the IGI include additional spellings for the surname so that in all the following variants (in alphabetical order) were used in this one generation of the family:

  1. Melbourne
  2. Milborne
  3. Milbourn
  4. Milbourne
  5. Milburn

It is for this reason that I have used the confused name spelling in the title of this page.

In the 1881 census of England we find that John and Ann are listed, living at the Old Lock House, Walton on Thames. The family name is spelled "Milbourne" (except for the grandson, John, whose surname is Brown)and the following information is provided by the Census Index:

Name Rel. Status age sex occupation co.of birth place
John Head Married 60 M River Keeper + Mid Hampton
Ann Wife Married 48 F -- Mid Twickenham
Martyr Son Unmarr. 18 M River Keeper + Sur Walton
Willm. Son Unmarr. 16 M. River Keeper + Sur Walton
Ernest Son -- 14 M Scholar Sur Walton
Arthur Son -- 10 M Scholar Sur Walton
Bertha Daur -- 9 F Scholar Sur Walton
Ada Daur -- 6 F Scholar Sur Walton
John GSon -- 4 M Scholar MID London

In addition to these records there are a number of photographs from the above referenced album many of which are so far unidentified. By thestyle of dress and the fact that the album was taken to Canada in 1909, it is believed that all of these photographs were taken in the period 1890 - 1909. They could be of people on either the Melbourne or Strange sides of the family. These photographs, together with any comments I have are listed below:

  1. set 1 -- This contains two photographs, one of which is Polly Elizabeth (Strange) Melbourne and another of a young man. Their proximity in the album suggests it might be her son Leonard. The photograph of her was taken about 1900.
  2. set 2 -- young man with child and a young woman
  3. set 3 -- two women, propbably in their twenties
  4. set 5 -- young woman and a young man, both about twenty
  5. set 6 -- young woman about twenty and a boy about four; tentatively identified by grandson Leonard Melbourne as Polly Elizabeth [Strange] Melbourne and her son Leonard. If so this was taken about 1894-5 and would be the earliest photograph we have of either.
  6. set 7 -- woman in late twenties and man in thirties
  7. set 8 -- woman and man, late twenties
  8. set 9 -- man and woman, thirties
  9. set 10 -- man, fifties, and woman thirties
  10. set 11 -- two women about thirty
  11. set 12 -- girl about ten, woman about thirty
  12. photo 14 -- man about twenty-five
  13. photo 15 -- boy about ten
  14. photo 16 -- woman about twenty-five

I am interested in any help that anyone can provide in identifying these family members.


© Kenneth Scott and others
This  page is under development and was last updated on 9 March 1999


  1. lists and photos, Gwen Milbourn
  2. photos from album in possession of Leonard and Olga Scott
  3. This compilation was facilitated by the services provided by the Family History Centers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints in Tampa and Largo Florida.