George Mobbs
[1829 - 1906] and Elizabeth Withers[1836 - 1923]
Name | Born | Married | Occupation | Date of Death |
Place of Death |
Elizabeth Mobbs |
29 May 1858 Walworth, Middlesex |
Stephen Alfred Hart |
Compositor |
24 July 1946 |
Maidstone |
Annie Mobbs |
1862/Walworth, Middlesex |
Q2, 1884?/Thomas Medhurst or John
Henderson |
Ellen Mobbs | 1864/Walworth, Middlesex |
Q1, 1881/Philip Hosmer in Maidstone |
Platelayer |
Louisa Mobbs | 1869/Maidstone, Kent |
Q4, 1895/Charles Waters |
Navvy | ||
Albert Mobbs | 1872/Maidstone, Kent | remained single, living with mother in
1911 |
Worked for railway in various jobs |
1915 at age of 43 |
Strood, Kent |
Amy Mobbs | 1876/Maidstone, Kent | Q2, 1897/Lewis William Upton |
labourer, cement worker |
Bessie Mobbs | 1879/Maidstone, Kent | Q3, 1900/Henry George Upton |
labourer | Q1, 1950, |
Bridgend, GLA, Wales |
From the census records below we see that George and
Elizabeth, although born in the Bletchley area, they were
married in London. It appears that George, though starting
life as a general labourer was able to gain employment as
a labourer on the railway. This led to moving to Maidstone
(which had signficant railway works) in the same capacity
and to later employment as a railway guard and porter in
Malling which is near Maidstone.
George appears in all the census records from 1841
through 1901 (he died in 1906) and from these we are able
to trace his movements, his family composition and the
work that he did during his lifetime, as narrated above.
The entry for the family is spread across two pages of
the census
The family located at 16 Prospect St. is next door
to the Thomas Hart household at 15 Prospect St. Although
the daughter Mary Elizabeth (who was almost 23 years old
by this time) is not living with the family, the
information on George Mobbs and his wife Elizabeth (Betsy)
corresponds. The information "Midlands" for Betsy's
birthplace is obviously a mistaken interpretation for the
actual birthplace in Walworth, Middlesex which was the
birthplace of Ellen and probably of her older sister Mary
Elizabeth. In fact, Betsy (nee Withers) was born in
Watford, Herts, on the northwest edge of the London