Trip to Scotland and England 2010Oct 20, WednesdayThis was a day of a lot of driving -- from the Old Wordon area of Bedfordshire to Barnstaple in Devon. But I did have a chance to do a quick tour of the Shuttleworth collection in Old Wordon and then a few hours later a quick look around in Barnstaple.Photos Taken at ShuttleworthThe Shuttleworth Collection is many decades old. It is a huge collection of aircraft and other vehicles of the 20th century. I visited for a short 1 1/2 hours; it would take days to really get through the collection in its entirety. As with Vintage Wings all of the aircraft are maintained to flight worthy status and are flown in the summer months between May and October. These photos are presented as I took them and do not provide a complete view of all the aircraft they have. High resolution copies of the photos are available.
Photos Taken in BarnstapleBarnstaple is the town in which my
ancestor Moses Good was born in 1788. I have long wanted to visit the
city to see if anything remains that would have been there at that
time. It turns out the visit was well worth while and some initial
pictures shown below include many buildings that were extant at that
time and which were near where he would have lived.