New Zealand Visit
This page provides access to a photolog of our visit to New Zealand
in 1997. The log is under development, as the trip progresses, so check it out from time
to time for more excursions and photos
Photographs not on system
With the move of this page to a new system there is now insufficient space for all of
the photographs which had previously been available. There will only be photogrpahs for
the latest page or two. This is because the disk allotment for the page account is not
large enough for the complete set to be stored here. If you do want a particular photograph
please just e-mail a message.
A Note on the photographs
The photographs shown in this photo log sequence are double size images
from a Kodak DC50 zoom camera, stored in jpg high resolution format. This creates
relatively large files. Many images have not been edited for the convenience of
some of those filmed, that they may do their own editing. A future
release of this log will provide smaller image files. The captions are included on
descriptive pages so that you can selectively download those photos you wish to see.
A Note on Locations and Location Names
The geography of New Zealand is not well known to many who have not been there. To assist the
reader I include place names and where possible highway reference numbers. These, of course, will
only be useable with maps for reference and gradually these maps will appear on these pages as I
can locate and scan them.
New Zealand place names are challenging for the anglo-saxon ear. The Maoris, which are about
8% of the New Zealand population have given a very large proportion of the place names, particularly
on the northern island. I try, when I have the information to give the meanings of the syllables of
these place names. The Maori culture was centered around the rivers and lakes of the country, rather
than the land and so many of the place names contain the words "wai" which is water, or "roto" which
is lake. Other common words are "tangi" which is weeping or lamenting and "whare" which is house.
The Maori alphabet only has 15 letters:
A E H I K M N O P R T U W NG and WH
Every syllable in Maori ends in a vowel, which makes the proportion of vowels to consonants
much higher than in English. The vowel sounds are therefore of great importance. The vowels
are pronounced as follows:
- A is always pronounced as the a in 'tan'
- E is always pronounced as the e in 'ten'
- I is always pronounced as the ee in 'seen'
- O is always pronounced as the o in 'border'
- U is always pronounced as the oo in 'bloom'
NG is the sound of the middle ng in the word 'singing'
WH is pronounced by attempting the sound of f, without letting the top teeth touch the
lower lip (if you can't do that, the normal f sound is close enough).
Last updated 19 May 1997
This system is being rebuilt on a new server and some files have
not yet been transmitted to it.
copyright K.F.N. Scott, 1997